50% discount on additional zones when you choose XL, L, M, or S packages.
Location Icon Narva mnt 7A/B-Tallinn
Location Icon Hermanni 8A-Tallinn
Location Icon Pikk 11-Pärnu

General provisions

Company “LASERSKIN OÜ”, represented at our website (hereinafter – Contractor), is publishing this agreement, which is a public contract-offer for both natural and legal persons (hereinafter – Customer) about the following:

Terms and definitions

2.1. Offer – present document between Contractor and Customer which is made public on the website of Contractor. 2.2. Agreement – agreement between Contractor and Customer for offer of services by Contractor to Customer, which is signed by accepting the offer. 2.3. Acceptance of the offer – full acceptance of the Agreement by Customer with the address from latter towards the Contractor. Acceptance of the Agreement offer creates Offer agreement. 2.4. Tariffs – a valid and systematized list of the price of the Contractor with prices presented in the Price List of the Contractor. 2.5. Customer — person who has accepted an offer and therefore is the Customer of the Contractor based on the agreement. 2.6. Contractor — Company “LASERSKIN OÜ”. 2.7. Order — Customer’s request made in written or electronic form, containing accurate information, based on the trusted documents which are necessary for Contractor to fulfill Customer’s request fully.

Subject matter of the offer

Contractor shall, upon request of the Customer and in accordance with the agreement offer and current Tariffs, assist the Customer Service and the Customer undertakes to accept them and fully pay.

Rights and obligations of Parties

4.1. The Contractor commits to: 4.1.1. Provide the Customer with good quality services, as appropriate and mutually agreed by the Parties. 4.1.2. Ensure the complete preservation of the data provided by the Customer and the confidentiality of the information it has received in the service delivery process. 4.2. The Contractor has the right: 4.2.1. To receive the necessary data and information to provide services and rely on them without further checking from Customer. 4.2.2. Involve external consultants, specialists, and experts as necessary. 4.3. The Customer undertakes to: 4.3.1. Provide the Contractor with any necessary data and information to provide services. All the information provided should be credible. 4.3.2. Make timely and complete payment for the services of the Contractor. 4.4. Customer’s rights and obligations: 4.4.1. At any time, unilaterally withdraw from the services of the Contractor until they are actually delivered to the Customer.

Payment of services

5.1. The value of the service is determined on the basis of the Customer’s request and the rate of the Contractor. 5.2. Payment may be made: 5.2.1. By bank transaction to the Contractor. 5.2.2. By paying with a payment card on the website of the Contractor. 5.2.3. By transferring the funds to the other individually named Contractor payment type. The time of payment is deemed to be the receipt of cash on the account of the Contractor.

Responsibility of the parties

6.1. Parties shall be liable for non-compliance or failure to comply with the obligations under this Agreement in accordance with existing legislation. 6.2. The Customer shall be responsible for the completeness and validity of the information and the legitimacy of the documents provided to the Contractor. 6.3. In the event of a violation by the Customer of the payment schedule, the Contractor reserves the right to suspend the service until payment is received. 6.4. None of the parties shall suffer the total or partial failure to comply with their obligations if their failure to comply is the result of the circumstances of the compelling force (force majeure) outside the control of the Parties.

Policy of withdrawal from providing the services

7.1. Following the order and payment of the order, the Customer has the right to refuse the services of the Contractor and to request a refund of the money. 7.2. In case of withdrawal from services, the Customer should send a written notification “Withdrawal from Service Delivery” to the e-mail address of the Contractor info@laserskin.ee. 7.3. The Contractor is entitled to retain the value of the actual services provided by the Contractor at the time of receipt of the withdrawal notice.

Dispute settlement procedures

8.1. All disputes or disputes arising between the Customer and the Contractor of the agreement or in connection with it shall be settled by negotiation between the parties. 8.2. If a dispute is not resolved during the negotiations, the interested party must submit a written claim to the other party describing the substance of the breach and submit a reasonable time limit for its removal. 8.3. The party that has breached the agreement shall eliminate the breach within the period specified in the claim or send a reasoned refusal to the sender for 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the claim. 8.4. In the event of failure to meet the claim or not to respond to the claim within the period provided for in the agreement, the party concerned is entitled to appeal to the court in accordance with the procedure established by the law in force.

Final clauses

9.1. This public offer works throughout the territory where “LASERSKIN OÜ” is operating in the performance of any service if a separate contract is not concluded for implementation.

Our credentials:


Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Narva mnt 7a, 12917

Reg.nr: 17053905

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